Nonparametric Regression with Comparisons: Escaping the Curse of Dimensionality with Ordinal Inform

Feb 14, 4pm Baker 232M

Speaker: Yichong Xu

Abstract: In supervised learning, we leverage a labeled dataset to design methods for function estimation. In many practical situations, we are able to obtain alternative feedback, possibly at a low cost. A broad goal is to understand the usefulness of, and to design algorithms to exploit, this alternative feedback. We consider a semi-supervised setting where we obtain additional ordinal (or comparison) information for potentially unlabeled samples. We consider ordinal feedback of varying qualities where we have either a perfect ordering of the samples, a noisy ordering of the samples or noisy pairwise comparisons between the samples. We provide a precise quantification of the usefulness of these types of ordinal feedback in non-parametric regression, showing that in many cases it is possible to accurately estimate an underlying function with a very small labeled set, effectively escaping the curse of dimensionality. We develop an algorithm called Ranking-Regression(R^2) and analyze its accuracy as a function of size of the labeled and unlabeled datasets and various noise parameters. We also present lower bounds that establish fundamental limits for the task and show that R^2 is optimal in a variety of settings. This is joint work with Hariank Muthakana, Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Artur Dubrawski and Aarti Singh.